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Given, A = 100001010 

Now, A × A = 100001010 × 100001010 = 1×1+0×0+0×01×0+0×0+0×11×0+0×1+0×00×1+0×0+1×00×0+0×0+1×10×0+0×1+1×00×1+1×0+0×00×0+1×0+0×10×0+1×1+0×0 = 100010001 = I

⇒ A3 = A2 × A = I × A = A

⇒ A6 = A3 × A3 = A × A = I

⇒ A9 = A3 × A3 × A3 = A × A × A = A2 × A = I × A = A

Now, (A9 + A6 + A3 + A)

= A + I + A + A + A

= 3A + I

300003030 + 100010001


∴ The absolute value of the determinant of (A9 + A6 + A3 + A) = absolute value of 400013031

= |4 × (1 × 1 - 3 × 3)| = |4 × (1 - 9)| = 32.

Hence, 32.


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