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Number of students who opted for cricket = Number of number which are divisible by 2 = Quotient of 140/2 = 70.
Number of students who opted for football = Number of number which are divisible by 5 = Quotient of 140/5 = 28.
Number of students who opted for basketball = Number of number which are divisible by 3 = Quotient of 140/3 = 46.

Number of students who opted for cricket and football = Number of number which are divisible by 2 and 5 = Quotient of 140/10 = 14.
Number of students who opted for basketball and football = Number of number which are divisible by 3 and 5 = Quotient of 140/15 = 9.
Number of students who opted for cricket and basketball = Number of number which are divisible by 2 and 3 = Quotient of 140/6 = 23.

Number of students who opted for cricket and football and basketball = Number of number which are divisible by 2, 5 and 3 = Quotient of 140/30 = 4.

∴ C ∪ F ∪ B = C + F + B - C ∩ F - F ∩ B - B ∩ C + C ∩ F ∩ B

⇒ C ∪ F ∪ B = 70 + 28 + 46 - (14 + 9 + 23) + 4

⇒ C ∪ F ∪ B = 144 - 46 + 4 = 102

∴ Number of students who opted for none of the three sports = 140 - 102 = 38.

Hence, option (b).


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