CRE 6 - Seating arrangements | Modern Math - Permutation & Combination
Answer the next 10 questions based on the information given below:
In how many ways can 16 people be seated
- (a)
16! - 1
- (b)
- (c)
- (d)
None of these
Answer: Option C
Explanation :
16 people can be seated in a row in 16! ways.
Hence, option (c).
On a circular table having 16 chairs?
- (a)
16! - 1
- (b)
- (c)
- (d)
None of these
Answer: Option B
Explanation :
Number of ways of seating n people around a circular table is (n – 1)!.
Since initially all the chairs are similar, the first person can be seated in only 1 way.
Once the first person is seated, all other 15 chairs are different, hence 15 people can be seated in 15! ways.
Hence the required answer = (16 – 1)! = 15!
Hence, option (b).
On a circular table having 15 blue chairs & 1 green chair?
- (a)
16! - 1
- (b)
- (c)
- (d)
None of these
Answer: Option C
Explanation :
Since here all the chairs around the table are not the same initially because of 1 green chair.
16 people are to be seated on 16 different chairs, no. of ways = 16!
Hence, option (c).
On a rectangular table having 5 chairs each on the longer sides and 3 chairs each on the shorter sides?
- (a)
8 × 15!
- (b)
- (c)
- (d)
4 × 15!
Answer: Option A
Explanation :
Here, initially seats 1 and 9 are similar.
Similarly, from the figure, there are 8 different pair of seats i.e., 1 & 9, 2 & 10, 3 & 11, 4 & 12, 5 & 13, 6 & 14, 7 & 15 and 8 & 16.
Hence, the first person can be seated in 8 different ways on one seat out of the 8 different pairs of seats.
Once the first person is seated, the remaining 15 seats become different from each other.
∴ 15 people can be seated on these 15 different chairs in 15!
⇒ Total number of ways = 8 × 15!
Hence option (a).
On a square table having 4 chairs on each side?
- (a)
- (b)
- (c)
8 × 15!
- (d)
4 × 15!
Answer: Option D
Explanation :
Here, initially seats 1, 5, 9 and 13 are similar.
Similarly, from the figure, there are 4 different pair of seats i.e., (1, 5, 9, 13), (2, 6, 10, 14), (3, 7, 11, 15) and (4, 8, 12, 16).
Hence, the first person can be seated in 4 different ways on one seat out of the 4 different pairs of seats.
Once the first person is seated, the remaining 15 seats become different from each other.
∴ 15 people can be seated on these 15 different chairs in 15!
⇒ Total number of ways = 4 × 15!
Hence option (d).
1 circular table with 9 chairs & rest 7 in a row?
- (a)
8! × 7!
- (b)
16C7 × 7! × 8!
- (c)
16C7 × 9! × 7!
- (d)
None of these
Answer: Option B
Explanation :
To seat 7 people in a row, we first need to select 7 people out of 16.
Number of ways of selecting 7 people out of 16 = 16C7.
Number of ways of arranging these 7 people in a row = 7!.
∴ Total number of ways of seating 7 people in a row out of 16 = 16C7 × 7!
Remaining 9 people can be seated around a circular table in (9 – 1)! = 8!.
∴ Total number of ways of seating 16 people around a circular table with 9 chairs & rest 7 in a row = 16C7 × 7! × 8!
Hence, option (b).
2 circular tables one with 10 chairs & other with 6 chairs?
- (a)
16C10 × 9! × 5!
- (b)
16C10 × 10! × 6!
- (c)
10! × 6!
- (d)
None of these
Answer: Option A
Explanation :
Table 1 with 10 chairs:
Number of ways of selecting 10 people out of 16 = 16C10.
Number of ways of arranging these 10 people around a circle = 9!
∴ Total number of ways of seating 10 people around a circle = 16C10 × 9!
Table 2 with 6 chairs:
Remaining 6 people can be seated around the 2nd table in 5! ways.
∴ ∴ Total number of ways of seating 16 people around 2 circular tables one with 10 chairs & other with 6 chairs = 16C10 × 9! × 5!
Hence, option (a).
4 different circular tables each with 4 chairs?
- (a)
- (b)
- (c)
- (d)
None of these
Answer: Option A
Explanation :
Table 1: First we select 4 people and then seat them on the table.
Number of ways of selecting 4 people out of 16 = 16C4
Number of ways of seating 4 people around the table = (4 – 1)! = 3!
∴ Total number of ways of seating 4 people around table 1 = 16C4 × 3!
Table 2: First we select 4 people and then seat them on the table.
Number of ways of selecting 4 people out of remaining 12 = 12C4
Number of ways of seating 4 people around the table = (4 – 1)! = 3!
∴ Total number of ways of seating 4 people around table 2 = 12C4 × 3!
Table 3: First we select 4 people and then seat them on the table.
Number of ways of selecting 4 people out of remaining 8 = 8C4
Number of ways of seating 4 people around the table = (4 – 1)! = 3!
∴ Total number of ways of seating 4 people around table 4 = 8C4 × 3!
Table 4: Now we have only 4 people remaining.
∴ Total number of ways of seating 4 people around table 4 = 3!
∴ Total number of ways of seating 16 people around the 4 different tables = 16C4 × 12C4 × 8C4 × 3! × 3! × 3! × 3!
= × 3! × 3! × 3! × 3!
= 16! ×
Hence, option (a).
4 identical circular tables each with 4 chairs?
- (a)
- (b)
- (c)
- (d)
None of these
Answer: Option B
Explanation :
Consider the solution to previous question.
Total number of ways of seating 16 people around the 4 tables = 16! ×
Now, when all 4 tables are similar, it would not matter a group of 4 people sit on which table.
So, 4 group of people can be distributed on 4 different tables in 4! ways. But, since all tables are similar 4 group of people can be distributed on 4 similar tables in only 1 way.
∴ Number of ways from previous question will get divided by 4!.
⇒ Required answer =
Hence, option (b).
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