PE 3 - Selection & Distribution | LR - Selection & Distribution
Answer the following questions based on the information given below.
Seven different stores - Airtel, Vodafone, Idea, Docomo, Jio, BSNL, Telenor - diversify from the telecom business and start selling PCs as well. Each allocates a different day of the same week - starting from Monday and ending at Sunday - for sale of PCs. No two stores sell on the same day and no store sells on more than one day. The number of PCs sold by the various stores is 12, 27, 20, 24, 40, 31, 55 (not necessarily in the same order).
- There are two stores selling PCs between Vodafone and Telenor.
- BSNL sells more sets than Docomo.
- The total PCs sold on Saturday and Wednesday is equal to the number of PCs sold on Friday.
- BSNL sells PCs some time after the store that sells 12 PCs.
- The difference between the numbers of PCs sold on Monday and Friday is a multiple of 14.
- Airtel sells PCs only after Friday.
- 24 PCs are sold on Wednesday.
- Three stores sell PCs on the days between BSNL and Docomo.
- Two stores sell PCs on the days between BSNL and the store that sells 12 PCs.
- Idea does not sell the least number of PCs.
- Vodafone sells PCs on the day immediately before the store that sells 20 PCs.
- The store that is scheduled immediately after the one that sells 24 PCs, manages to sell more than 24 sets (but not an odd number).
Which of the following statements is true?
- (a)
There is a two day difference between the days on which Docomo and BSNL sell PCs.
- (b)
The difference between the number of PCs sold by Airtel and Idea is equal to the number of PCs sold by Idea.
- (c)
Jio sells 19 PCs less than Vodafone.
- (d)
Vodafone sells PCs immediately after Airtel
- (e)
None of these
Answer: Option C
Explanation :
Given Wednesday = 24.
Hence, it is easiest to start finding the number of PCs sold per day.
Saturday + Wednesday = Friday i.e. Saturday + 24 = Friday.
Among the given values, the only combination that satisfies this condition is 31 + 24 = 55. Hence, Saturday = 31 and Friday = 55.
The store that is scheduled to sell after the one that sells 24 PCs sells more than 24 (but not odd number) i.e. an even number. Since Wednesday = 24, required store sells PCs on Thursday. Also, there are four values greater than 24 i.e. 27, 31, 40, 55. Among these, only 40 is an even number.
Hence, Thursday = 40
The difference between the number of PCs sold between Monday and Friday is a multiple of 14. Friday (55 sets) corresponds to the maximum PCs sold.
Hence, Friday − Monday = 14 or 28 or 42 (multiples of 14 that are less than 55)
Hence, 55 − Monday = 14 or 28 or 42 i.e. Monday = 41 or 27 or 13. The only possible value for Monday = 27.
Now, BSNL sells PCs only after the store which sells 12 PCs and there are two store between them. Hence, 12 PCs will be sold on Tuesday and 20 on Sunday. BSNL sells on Friday.
There are three store between BSNL and Docomo, hence Docomo sells on Monday.
Vodafone sells PCs immediately before the store that sells 20 PCs. Hence, Vodafone sells on Saturday.
There are two stores selling between Vodafone and Telenor, hence Telenor sells on Wednesday.
Airtel sells PCs only after Friday i.e. Airtel = Sunday (from the table).
Idea does not sell the least number of PCs, hence Idea sells 40 PCs on Thursday and Jio sells 40 PCs on Tuesday.
Hence, the final table is as shown:
Option 1: There is a four-day difference between Docomo and BSNL. Hence, option 1 is not correct.
Option 2: Airtel - Idea = 40 - 20 = 20 (≠ Idea). Hence, option 2 is not correct.
Option 3: Vodafone − Jio = 31 − 12 = 19.
Hence, option (c).
What is the difference between the number of PCs sold by BSNL and the store selling on Sunday?
- (a)
- (b)
- (c)
- (d)
- (e)
None of these
Answer: Option A
Explanation :
Consider the solution to the first question.
BSNL − Airtel (Sunday) = 55 − 20 = 35
Hence, option (a).
Which of the following combinations is correct?
- (a)
Monday – BSNL – 55
- (b)
31 – Vodafone – Wednesday
- (c)
Docomo – Monday – 24
- (d)
Airtel – 20 – Sunday
- (e)
Jio – 12 – Thursday
Answer: Option D
Explanation :
Consider the solution to the first question.
Only the combination in option 4 is correct.
Hence, option (d).
Which of the following stores sells PCs immediately after the store that sells 12 PCs?
- (a)
- (b)
- (c)
- (d)
- (e)
None of these
Answer: Option D
Explanation :
Consider the solution to the first question.
Jio sells 12 PCs on Tuesday and Telenor sells 24 PCs on Wednesday.
Hence, option (d).
Which of these stores sells prime number of PCs?
- (a)
The store selling on Wednesday.
- (b)
- (c)
The store selling immediately after Vodafone.
- (d)
The store selling on the last day of the week.
- (e)
None of these
Answer: Option E
Explanation :
Consider the solution to the first question.
The only prime number given in this case is 31.
Vodafone sells 31 PCs on Saturday. This does not match with any of the options.
Hence, option (e).
Answer the following questions based on the information given below.
Seven people - Adarsh, Harshita, Jhalak, Arpita, Muskaan, Gautam, Vishal - have applied for IIM Ahmedabad. The selection process has three rounds which a candidate has to mandatorily clear to be eligible for selection. The rounds for selction are Common Aptitude Test (CAT), Written Ability Test (WAT) and Personal Interview, in that sequence. A candidate can either clear or fail in any of these rounds. To be eligible for a certain round, the candidate has to necessarily clear the previous round. After clearing the Personal Interview round, a candidate is eligible for selection. However, he/she may or may not accept the IIM Ahmedabad offer.
- Only five people cleared the WAT round.
- Exactly one person could not clear CAT.
- Adarsh did not clear the Personal Interview while Gautam did.
- A student of IIM Ahmedabad is considered to have cleared four rounds.
- Jhalak cleared the WAT round but is not a student of IIM Ahmedabad.
- Arpita did not reach the Personal Interview round.
- One of Harshita and Jhalak is a student of IIM Ahmedabad.
- Vishal appeared for fewer rounds compared to Adarsh while Muskaan cleared more rounds than Gautam.
- Vishal cleared atleast one round.
Which of these pairs has at least student of IIM Ahmedabad?
- (a)
Adarsh - Jhalak
- (b)
Arpita - Gautam
- (c)
Jhalak - Vishal
- (d)
Muskaan - Gautam
- (e)
Vishal - Gautam
Answer: Option D
Explanation :
Since an student of the company is assumed to have appeared for four rounds, the rounds (in sequence are): Common Aptitude Test (CAT), Written Ability Test (WAT), Personal Interview (PI) and IIM Ahmedabad college selection (CS).
If a person does not reach a certain round, he/she has definitely failed in one of the earlier rounds. Similarly, if a person does not clear a round, he has appeared for that round but failed to clear it.
The data that is directly known is given in the table;
Since Jhalak is not an student of the company, she either cleared PI but did not clear CS or she did not clear PI at all.
Since one of Harshita and Jhalak is an student, Harshita cleared all four rounds.
Gautam cleared the PI round. Hence, he definitely cleared the first three rounds.
Adarsh did not clear the PI round. Hence, Adarsh appeared for 3 rounds, in which he cleared CAT and WAT but did not clear PI.
Arpita did not reach the PI round. Hence, she failed in the CAT or WAT round.
Exactly one person did not clear CAT. Hence, this person cleared zero rounds. This person can be Arpita, Muskaan or Vishal.
But Vishal cleared at least one round. Also, Muskaan cleared more rounds than Gautam. Hence, Muskaan cleared all four rounds and Gautam cleared only three rounds.
Hence, Arpita was the person who did not clear the CAT round. Everyone else cleared it.
Five people cleared the WAT round. The four peope shown above and Muskaan definitely cleared the WAT round. Hence, Arpita and Vishal did not clear it.
Hence, the final table is:
Harshita and Muskaan are the only students in IIM Ahmedabad.
Only option (d) i.e. Muskaan - Gautam has one of them.
Hence, option (d).
Who cleared the least number of rounds?
- (a)
- (b)
- (c)
- (d)
- (e)
Can't be determined
Answer: Option C
Explanation :
Consider the solution to the first question.
Arpita cleared the least rounds (zero).
Hence, option (c).
Who among the following surely did not clear the Personal Interview round?
- (a)
- (b)
- (c)
- (d)
- (e)
Answer: Option E
Explanation :
Consider the solution to the first question.
Harshita, Jhalak and Muskaan definitely cleared the Personal Interview round while Gautam may or may not have cleared it.
Arpita definitely did not clear it.
Hence, option (e).
Three of the four persons given are similar in a certain way and hence form a group. Which person does not belong to this group?
- (a)
- (b)
- (c)
- (d)
Answer: Option A
Explanation :
Consider the solution to the first question.
Apart from Vishal, all others have cleared the Personal Interview round.
Hence, option (a).
Which of these pairs includes at least one person who did not get selected for the Personal Interview round?
- (a)
Harshita - Adarsh
- (b)
Jhalak - Adarsh
- (c)
Vishal - Muskaan
- (d)
Adarsh - Muskaan
- (e)
Harshita - Muskaan
Answer: Option C
Explanation :
Consider the solution to the first question.
Among the pairs, only Vishal-Muskaan satisfies this condition as Vishal did not get selected for the Personal Interview round.
Hence, option (c).
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