

Let’s first arrange all the letters in alphabetical order i.e., E J N O R U Y.

Let the position of letters be: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Letter at 1st place:
Number of words starting with E = 6! = 720.
All these words will come before ‘JOURNEY’. From 721st word onwards, first letter will be J.
J 2 3 4 5 6 7

Letter at 2nd place:
Number of words with E at 2nd place = 5! = 120.
Number of words with N at 2nd place = 5! = 120.
Total 720 + 240 = 960 words.
All these words will come before ‘JOURNEY’. From 961st word onwards, 1st letter will be J and 2nd letter will be O.
J O 3 4 5 6 7

Letter at 3rd place:
Number of words with E at 3rd place = 4! = 24.
Number of words with N at 3rd place = 4! = 24.
Number of words with R at 3rd place = 4! = 24.
Total 960 + 24 + 24 + 24 = 1032 words.
All these words will come before ‘JOURNEY’. From 1033rd word onwards, 1st letter will be J, 2nd letter will be O and 3rd letter will be U.
J O U 4 5 6 7

Letter at 4th place:
Number of words with E at 4th place = 3! = 6.
Number of words with N at 4th place = 3! = 6.
Total 1032 + 6 + 6 = 1044 words.
All these words will come before ‘JOURNEY’. From 1045th word onwards, 1st letter will be J, 2nd letter will be O, 3rd letter will be U and 4th letter will be R.
J O U R 5 6 7

Letter at 5th place:
Number of words with E at 5th place = 2! = 2.
Total 1044 + 2 = 1046 words.
All these words will come before ‘JOURNEY’. From 1047th word onwards, 1st letter will be J, 2nd letter will be O, 3rd letter will be U, 4th letter will be R and 5th letter will be N.
J O U R N 6 7

Now, 1047th word will have E at 6th and Y at 7th position which makes the work J O U R N E Y.

∴ JOURNEY is ranked 1047th.

Hence, 1047.

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