

Let us find the pattern that remainders follow when successive powers of 3 are divided by 7.

Remainder when 71/10 = 7.
Remainder when 72/10 = 9.
Remainder when 73/10 = 3.
Remainder when 74/10 = 1.
Remainder when 75/10 = 7.
Remainder when 76/10 = 9.

∴ We find that the remainders are repeated after every four powers. 

R78310 = R780×7310 = R78010 × R7310 = 1 × 3 = 3.


Remainder of any number when divided by 10 is same as the last digit of that number.

∴ We have to find the last digit of 783.

Last of 783 = last digit of  780 × 73 (Cyclicity of last digit of powers of 7 is 4.)

= last digit of 73

= 3

Hence, 3.

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