

Let us find the pattern that remainders follow when successive powers of 3 are divided by 7.

Remainder of 31/7 = 3.
Remainder of 32/7 = 2.
Remainder of 33/7 = 6.
Remainder of 34/7 = 4.
Remainder of 35/7 = 5.
Remainder of 36/7 = 1.
Remainder of 37/7 = 3.
Remainder of 38/7 = 2.

∴ We find that the remainders are repeated after every six powers. 

R31007 =  R396×347 = R3967×R347 = 1 × 4 = 4.

⇒ The remainder is 4.


Let us find the pattern that remainders follow when successive powers of 3 are divided by 7.

Remainder of 31/7 = 3.
Remainder of 32/7 = 2.
Remainder of 33/7 = 6 = -1. (Concept of negative remainder)

∴ R(33/7) = -1

R31007=  R399×317 = R3997×R317 = R33733 × 3 = (-1)33 × 3 = -3 ≡ 7 - 3 = 4.

Hence, 4.

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