Last 2 digits | Algebra - Number Theory
What are the last two digits of (56489)41?
Answer: 89
Explanation :
Last 2 digits of (56489)41 will be same as last 2 digits of (89)41.
For finding out the last two digits of an odd number raised to a power, we should first try and reduce the base to a number ending in 1.
After that, we can use the property, last two digits of (…a1)(…b) will be [Last digit of a×b] 1
Also, last two digits of (100 ± x)2 or (50 ± x)2 is same as last 2 digits of x2.
Last two digits of (89)41 = Last two digits of 89 × 8940
= Last two digits of 89 × (892)20
= Last two digits of 89 × (..21)20
= Last two digits of 89 × 01.
Here, last two digits of 892 = (100 - 11)2 = 112 = 21
Hence, 89.
Find the last two digits of 5964.
Answer: 61
Explanation :
For finding out the last two digits of an odd number raised to a power, we should first try and reduce the base to a number ending in 1.
After that, we can use the property, last two digits of (…a1)(…b) will be [Last digit of a×b] 1
Also, last two digits of (100 ± x)2 or (50 ± x)2 is same as last 2 digits of x2.
Observe that the last two digits of 592 = 92 = 81.
Therefore, the last two digits of 5964 = last two digits of (92)32 = 8132 = 61.
Hence, 61.
Find the tens place digit of 4773.
Answer: 2
Explanation :
For finding out the last two digits of an odd number raised to a power, we should first try and reduce the base to a number ending in 1.
After that, we can use the property, last two digits of (…a1)(…b) will be [Last digit of a×b] 1
Also, last two digits of (100 ± x)2 or (50 ± x)2 is same as last 2 digits of x2.
The last two digits of 4773 = last two digits of 47 × (472)36
= 47 × (09)36
= 47 × (092)18
= 47× (81)18
= 47 × 41
= 27
Hence, 2.
Find the last two digits of 254.
Answer: 84
Explanation :
We know,
Last two digits of 210×odd number = 24, and
Last two digits of 210×even number = 76.
254 = (250 + 4) = 210×5 × 24
Now, last 2 digits of 210×5 × 24 = last two digits of (210×5) × last two digits of (24)
= 24 × 16 = 84
Hence, 84.
Find last two digits of 145672.
Answer: 36
Explanation :
Last 2 digits of 145672 = last two digits of 5672.
Now, 5672 = 872 × 772 = (23)72 × 772 = 2216 × 772.
Last two digits of 2216 = 210×21+6 = last two digits of (210×21) × last two digits of (26)
= 24 × 64 = 36.
Last two digits of 772 = Last two digits of (72)36
= Last two digits of (49)36
= Last two digits of (492)18
= Last two digits of (01)18
= 01
∴ Last two digits of 145672 = last two digits of (2216) × last two digits of (772) = 36 × 01 = 36.
Hence, 36.
Find the last two digits of 6248.
Answer: 96
Explanation :
Now, 6248 = 248 × 3148
Last two digits of 248 = 210×4+8 = last two digits of (210×4) × last two digits of (28)
= 76 × 28 = 56.
Note: last two digits of 76 × 2a = last two digits of 2a. (a > 1)
Last two digits of 3148 = 41
∴ Last two digits of 6248 = last two digits of (248) × last two digits of (3148) = 56 × 41 = 96.
Hence, 96.
Find the last two digits of 54380.
Answer: 76
Explanation :
Now, 54380 = 2380 × 27380
Last two digits of 2380 = 210×38 = 76.
Last two digits of 27380 = Last two digits of (33)380
= Last two digits of (3)1140
= Last two digits of (34)285
= Last two digits of (81)285
= 01
∴ Last two digits of 54380 = last two digits of (2380) × last two digits of (27380) = 76 × 01 = 76.
Hence, 76.
Find the last two digits of 56283.
Answer: 16
Explanation :
Now, 56283 = (23)283 × 7283
Last two digits of 2849 = 210×84+9 = last two digits of (210×84) × last two digits of (29) = last two digits of (29) = 12.
Last two digits of 7283 = Last two digits of (74)70 × last two digits of (73)
= Last two digits of (01)70 × last two digits of (43)
= 01 × 43
= 43
∴ Last two digits of 56283 = last two digits of ((23)283) × last two digits of (7283) = 12 × 43 = 16.
Hence, 16.
Find the last two digits of 78379.
Answer: 92
Explanation :
Now, 78379 = 2379 × 39379
Last two digits of 2379 = 210×37+9 = last two digits of (210×37) × last two digits of (29)
= 24 × 12 = 88
Last two digits of 39379 = Last two digits of (392)189 × last two digits of (391)
= Last two digits of (21)189 × last two digits of (391)
= 81 × 39
= 59
∴ Last two digits of 78379 = last two digits of (2379) × last two digits of (39379) = 88 × 59 = 92.
Hence, 92.
Find the last two digits of 2577 × 8341.
Answer: 75
Explanation :
The last two digits of 2577 are always 25.
Last two digits of 8341 = An even number 3
i.e. ten's digit will be an even number and unit's digit will be 3.
Note: Tens digit of any power of a number, whose units digit is odd and tens digit is even, is always even.
Thus, the last two digits of 2577 × 8341 will be given by 25 × a3 (where a is even).
Hence, 75.