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Distance travelled by Shyam till Telephone tower = 20 × 1/4 = 5 kms

Distance travelled by Ram till Banyan tree = 10 × ½ = 5 kms

Let the two of them stop after t hours from starting.

∴ (50)2 = (10t)2 + (20t)2

⇒ 2500 = 100t2 + 400t2

⇒ 5 = t2

Now, (BS)2 = 52 + (20t)2

⇒ (BS)2 = 25 + 400t2

⇒ (BS)2 = 25 + 400 × 5 = 2025

⇒ BS = √2025 = 45

Hence, option (d).


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