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Let O is the center of the bigger circle. So, OA = 2R. Let P be the center of the smaller circle. So, PA = R√2.

In ∆OAM, ∠AOM = 30° and OA = 2R, so AM =OA × Sin 30 = 2R/2 = R. Also, OM = R√3

In ∆PAM, let ∠APM = θ and PA = R√2 and AM = R, so Sin θ = AM/PA = R/ R√2 = 1/√2, so θ = 45°

Therefore ∠APB = 2∠APM = 2 × 45 = 90°. Also, PM = PA × Cos 45 = R√2 × Cos 45 = R

Common area between the two circles is the area of the smaller circle minus the area of the shaded region.

Area of the shaded region = Area of quadrant APB + Area ∆OPA + Area ∆OPB – Area of sector AOB

Area of quadrant APB = π × (R√2)2/4

Area ∆OPA + Area ∆OPB = Area ∆AOB – Area ∆PAB = [(1/2) × OM × AB) – [(1/2) × PM × AB]

OM = R√3 and AB = AM × 2 = R × 2 = 2R

So, Area ∆OPA + Area ∆OPB = [(1/2) × R√3 × 2R) – [(1/2) × R × 2R] = (√3 – 1)R2

Area of sector AOB = (π/6)(2R)2

Hence, Area of the shaded region = [π × (R√2)2/4] + [(√3 – 1)R2] +[(π/6)(2R)2]

= [(√3 – 1)R2] – [πR2/6]

Common area between the two circles = Area of the smaller circle – Area of the shaded region

= π(R√2)2 – {[(√3 – 1)R2] – [πR2/6] = (13π/6) + 1 – √3) R2

Hence, option (c).


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