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Among the sentences, sentence 2 is the obvious starter for the set. The set talks about the placebo effect and its implications – sentence 2 begins the discussion by defining what the placebo effect means. Among the remaining sentences, we can see a connection between sentence 3 and sentence 1 as sentence 3 talks about the ‘clinical settings’ being important and sentence 1 says that ‘this’ has huge implications for the health care system and goes on to talk about the bedside manner of doctors which is a reference to clinical settings.
Sentence 3 itself is likely to follow from sentence 4 as sentence 4 states that the ‘individual believes’ and sentence 3 says ‘…not solely based on believing…however..’.  Thus we have the sequence 4, 3, 1.
Sentence 5 is remaining and that fits best after sentence 2 and before the 4, 3, 1 sequence. It indicates the direction of the discussion in 4, 3, 1. Thus we have the sequence 2, 5, 4, 3, 1.
Hence, the correct answer is 25431.


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