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Option 1 is correct. Refer the passage where it states: “According to my own estimates, roughly a third of us across the United States, and perhaps as much as half of us in our most creative cities – are able to do work which engages our creative faculties to some extent, whether as artists, musicians, writers, techies, innovators, entrepreneurs, doctors, lawyers, journalists or educators – those of us who work with our minds.” The writer thus states clearly that it is only those who work with their minds, who are counted as creative workers, contributing to the most creative cities in the US. Retain option 1. 

Option 2 is incorrect. The author does not “assume” that more than half the population works in non-creative jobs. Instead, the writer adds the conclusion that “the other 66 percent” works at rote jobs. Eliminate option 2.

Option 3 is incorrect. The discussion of what adds value is not part of the passage which restricts itself to the subject of what constitutes creativity. Eliminate option 3.

Option 4 is incorrect. The writer mentions that low wage workers’ creativity goes unutilised in cities. However this does not form the basis of any conclusions. Eliminate option 4.

Hence, the correct answer is option 1.


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