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9x-12 - 22x - 2 = 4x - 32x - 3   ...(1)

Now, 9x-12 = (32)x-12 = 32x - 1

Also 4x = (22)x = 22x

From (1), we get

32x - 1 - 22x - 2 = 22x - 32x - 3

32x - 1 + 32x - 3 = 22x + 22x - 2

32x - 3 (32 + 1) = 22x - 2 (22 + 1)

32x-322x-2=510 or 12

Now this can be written as


Now since the bases of the numerator and the dominator are equal on LHS and RHS, the powers should also be equal 

⇒ 32x-3 = 30 and 22x - 2 = 21

In both cases x = 3/2

∴ x = 32

Hence, option (a).


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