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The passage states, “at the heart of Derrida’s deconstructive approach is his critique of what he perceives to be the totalitarian impulse of the Enlightenment pursuit to bring all that exists in the world under the domain of a representative language, a pursuit he refers to as logocentrism.”
Options 1 and 2 are eliminated form this point of view.
Option 4 is eliminated because deconstruction stands for seeking the hidden meaning and logocentrism stands for suppressing it.
If the above eliminates options other than option 3 what supports option 3 is to be found in the paragraph beginning, “In response to logocentrism, deconstruction posits the idea that the mechanism by which this process of marginalization and the ordering of truth occurs is through establishing systems of binary opposition.” The binary opposition is then explained as the interdependence in option 3.
Hence, the correct answer is option 3.


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