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After 4 hours,

Distance travelled by Ram, AB = 4 × 3 = 12 km

Distance travelled by Shyam, AC = 4 × 2 = 8 km

Ram’s return path = BC + CA = (x + 8) km

Shyam’s return path = CB + BA = (x + 12) km

Now dropping perpendiculars from C and A to form the right triangle AOC,


OA = AC sin30˚ = 8 × 1/2 = 4

OC = AC sin60° = 8 × 32=43

∴ BC = 432+162

BC = 304

BC = 419

Time taken by Ram to travel = BC+CA3=419+83 ...(i)

Time taken by Shyam to travel = BC+BA2=419+122 ...(ii)

∴ Time interval between the two reaching point A is (i) subtracted from (ii)


Hence, option (b).


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