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Please note that the fastest way to solve these sums is the method of simulation, i.e., select any arbitrary values in the range given and verify whether the option holds good. E.g. a = 2, b = 3.
In this case, option (a) LHS = mo(le(2, 3)) = mo(2) = 2.
RHS = (me(mo(2), mo(3)) = (me(2, 3)) = 3. Hence, LHS < RHS.
(b) LHS = mo(le(2, 3)) = mo(2) = 2. RHS = (me(mo(2), mo(3)) = (me(2, 3)) = 3. Hence, LHS < RHS.
(c) LHS = mo(le(2, 3)) = mo(2) = 2. RHS = (le(mo(2), mo(3)) = le(2, 3) = 2. Hence, LHS = RHS.
(d) LHS = mo(le(2, 3)) = mo(2) = 2. RHS = (le(mo(2), mo(3)) = le(2, 3) = 2. Hence, LHS = RHS.


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