

The last paragraph says that Dumb Charade goes beyond the simplistic analogy of bowling and ping pong which implies that Dumb Charades overcomes the limitations of the two games.
There is no element of appeal involved in the Ping-Pong model. So, eliminate option 1.
The passage clearly says that the listener doesn't know from where the message is coming from but the sender knows where it is going. So, eliminate option 2.
In option 3, both the limitations mentioned about Ping-Pong model has been overcome by the Dumb Charades model. The last paragraph says that Charades is a mutual game and is cooperative in nature. It is played within a team which is not the case in Ping-Pong model. Also, there are no fixed rules as the message passed from the sender is open to various interpretations, while in Ping-Pong, adjustment on both sides is essential.
Option 4 loses out as it says that Ping-Pong is passive. The constant interaction between the sender and the receiver in the game of Ping-Pong does not indicate passiveness.
Option 5 is illogical with respect tot he question stem .
Hence, the correct answer is option 3.

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