

Total t-shirts owned by T-Nation = sum of total t-shirts across all stores.

Store 1 = 57 + 128 + 85 + 69 + 111 = 450

Store 2 = 84 + 55 + 137 + 116 + 48 = 440

Store 3 = 30 + 79 + 30 + 50 + 91 = 280

Store 4 = 48 + 111 + 60 + 101 + 30 = 350

Store 5 = 122 + 65 + 108 + 105 + 80 = 480

∴ Total t-shirts owned by T-Nation

= 450 + 440 + 280 + 350 + 480 = 2000

∴ Total t-shirts of size M = 22% of 2000 = 440

Total size M t-shirts in stores 1, 2 and 5 = 10% of (450 + 440 + 480) = 10% of 1370 = 137

∴ Total size M t-shirts in stores 3 and 4 = 440 – 137 = 303

Total t-shirts across all stores = 2000

Total t-shirts of Supreme brand = 128

+ 55 + 79 + 111 + 65 = 438

∴ Share of Supreme brand

= (438/2000) × 100 = 21.9% ≅ 22%

Hence, option (b).

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