

We have already figured out that three colleges have overall score of 45 or above. Therefore we need to check for only the remaining five colleges.

The college that earned 0 on R (Global) lost 50 × 0.4 = 20 points on R. Therefore it can score maximum 30 points. We need not calculate the overall score of that college further.

There are three colleges that scored 20 on R (Cosmopolitan, Dominance and High Q).

They lost 30 × 0.4 = 12 points on R.

However, Cosmopolitan and Dominance colleges lost 30 × 0.3 = 9 more points on I. Therefore those colleges cannot score more than 30 points.

We have already figured out that High Q and Best Ed had an overall scores of 27 and 26 respectively.

Therefore no college scored between 31 and 40 points.

Hence, option (a).

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